
WSIB Innovation Lab

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is a vital player in Ontario's occupational health and safety system. The WSIB provides "no-fault collective liability insurance and access to industry-specific health and safety information for employers; provides loss of earnings benefits and health care coverage for workers; and provides help and support for return to work after an injury or illness incurred by workplaces.

The innovation lab is a special unit within the WSIB that helps to identify problems across departments to research and create proof-of-concept solutions for. Projects are incredibly diverse due to the nature of our work. Projects I worked on include an internal asset tracker application designing a mobile and desktop application, email add-in for sorting and flagging important emails, and conducting 3 major stakeholder engagement initiatives to improve processes at WSIB.

*This case study is currently in the works. Please check back soon!*


UX/UI Design Intern


4 Designers

9 Developers
4 Communication Specialists

3 Project Leads


May - Aug 2024 (4 months)

Preview ~ Final Designs & Prototypes

01 Scanning Assets

Scan assets seamlessly and update information individually or in bulk.

02 Assets & Members

Search and filter through company assets and team members.

03 Asset Details

Keep asset information up to date, all the time.


Timeline for the term, and deadlines to strive for (? ? ?)


To kick off our research phase, we familiarized ourselves with the previous cohort's work, including their user flows and screen designs, synthesizing prior user research insights. As the final cohort on this project, we also expanded the app's scope from usage by the innovation lab to the entire company, conducting additional user research with new team leads and managers to gather broader, company-wide needs for asset tracking.

Building on this, we held a critique session for the previous designs to identify areas for further exploration and iteration, also adapting our new findings to create a more comprehensive, company-oriented solution.

After the interviews, I organized the participants' feedback to find common themes, understand the target audience's wants and summarize them into 3 key findings.

UXR ~ Key Findings

01 Privacy

Participants prefer a more private app based on connections over a public app based on content.


  • Friending system over a follow system

  • Strive for approx. 75% private and 25% public

  • Scale down content based concepts

02 Interactivity

Participants want access to fun and interactive concepts beyond just regular karaoke.


  • Put games at the forefront alongside karaoke

  • Introduce challenge

  • Allow for easy expression — reactions

03 Familiarity

Participants prefer a personalized experience, with the ability to customize and collect.


  • Connect with outside apps

  • Have customizable user profiles to allow for more expression

  • Personalize music and game discovery

  • Implement a "like" system


After completing my user research, I took my findings to create a project brief, giving my product structure and detailing important principles I could refer back to during design.

Main Hypothesis

"If we help users connect through music and synchronous interactive experiences, it will strengthen their relationships."

Main Scenarios

  • You're bored so you call your friends to play games

  • You want to record yourself singing a song

  • You want to play around with features to record and send to friends

Business Opportunities

  • Let users hang out through music and related games in an interactive setting

  • Sing easily with an extensive library of music

  • Live synchronous singing with no delay


  • Privacy

  • Interactivity

  • Familiarity

Final Designs & Prototypes

Jam ~ Demo

The meat and potatoes of JamParty, an interactive "karaoke" room where friends group to play games using their favourite songs.

Dynamic Action Bar

Move smoothly between video and chat with the dynamic action bar, as well as access additional related options by pulling the bar up.

Information Arch

Designed for ease, the screen is divided into outside actions, performer(s), song & game, social, and dynamic action bar, from top to bottom respectively.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.

Video + Chat

Video and chat screens plus all their additional states.

Video and chat screens plus all their additional states.

Create ~ Demo

Explore all the features of a "Jam" while you're alone. Sing the same songs, play some solo games and share with your friends.


Never awkwardly mumble a song again! Pop open the lyrics to your favourite song and release your inner Mariah Carey.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.

Song + Game

Song and game discovery plus their respective information pages.

Song and game discovery plus their respective information pages.

Connect ~ Demo

From the homepage, navigate to your own profile or social tab to see everything friend related.


Your own customizable profile page, where you can share your favourite songs, games, game high scores and other interesting stats.


Discover what your friends are jamming to. Will you join them or judge them?


Manage your friends list here. Search, add, remove and view requests.

Onboard ~ Demo

Try songs/games, and join jams before signing up. When you're ready, provide only the essentials to get you jamming ASAP.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.

No Account

With no account, the profile and social tab is replaced with wireframes and what's available upon creating an account.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.

Sign Up

Stills of the sign up process. Clean and simple, see exactly how far along you are with the icons along the top

Animation, Game, & Fun Stuff

For this project I had the opportunity to explore deeper prototyping and Figma interface animation for the first time and I really fell in love! It was my favourite part of the entire project because it made my app come to life, gave it character and got people excited! Below is a collection of some micro interactions, animations and other visuals within the app. Some things to look out for include inviting friends to a call, joining a call, sharing your videos and in-game Jam interactions. Everything was made in Figma, including the video you saw at the top of the page!

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Exploration & Iteration

I went through a lot of different design explorations and iterations to arrive at my final designs. I made sure to explore every aspect of each idea, from prototyping the way the screen would appear to it's interactions. Here's a glimpse into some designs that didn't make it and why.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.

Nearing the final iterations of our designs, I created high-fidelity prototypes for complex user flows, for iterative testing. By observing interactions and gathering direct feedback, pinpointed areas where users encountered friction were gathered, and using both qualitative feedback and behavioural insights, we identified key areas for further iteration. This feedback loop allowed me to refine and enhance my designs, aligning it more closely with user needs and expectations.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Reflection & Takeaways

I Love Animation!

This project was an incredibly vigorous experience where I was able to hone many different skills and also discover my passion for animation and deeper prototyping! They breathe so much life into ideas and creates a lot of enthusiasm!

Keep Organized

This project was larger than I first expected, and my files weren't the most organized or easy to keep up with. I definitely need to keep neater next time.

Setting Priorities

I had a lot of cool ideas but had to learn to prioritize the most important features and parts of the designs first. Adjustable camera positions and sizes during a jam, copying a friend's voice as a filter, and introducing more exclusive games are just some of the exciting possibilities I'd love to explore in the future.

Thanks for visiting my portfolio!

Best viewed on desktop.

© 2024 Chris Pan.